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Skincare Journal

A Peek into The World of Alpine Extremophiles

A Peek into The World of Alpine Extremophiles

Effective recovery skincare starts with premium ingredients that go well beyond average. Our science-backed secret at TellurideGlow is integrating high-performance and high-grade extremophiles, with minimal processing, into every TellurideGlow formula. 

Extreme-O what?!?

An extremophile is an organism that thrives in physically or geochemically extreme conditions that are detrimental to most life on Earth. Extremophiles hail from the harshest environments on the planet, including mountainous regions. In the plant kingdom, botanical extremophiles are also known as  extremophytes.

Not all antioxidants are alike. It is the very nature of extremophiles to thrive where other organisms cannot, doing so by producing potent secondary metabolites that manufacture an abundance of phytonutrients, the real workhorses of antioxidants that encourage regeneration, discourage inflammation and defend against aggression.

Palpable botanical benefits are the phytoceramides, essential fatty acids, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals in abundance that help keep both plants and skin healthy and vitalized.

Think of extremophiles as the Olympic athletes of plants. They continually train harder and perform better than the average plant, and the results are more profound.

How it all started

Our founder, Mary Alice, had a mission to not let the unforgiving climate of Telluride, Colorado win the battle over healthy skin. Depleted skin became the norm from living about 9,000 feet above sea level with low oxygen and humidity, intense UV radiation, and extreme wind, snowfall, and temperatures. Nothing worked, at any price. 

Her research led right outside of her window in the 13,000 to 14,000 majestic peaks surrounding Telluride. The most brutal growing conditions in the world also produce the most powerful, high-performance plants in the world, and those plants became integral to TellurideGlow’s Recovery Skincare.

TellurideGlow delivers results with some of the industry’s highest concentrations of powerful nutrients from 13 fortifying alpine survivalist plants to transport the energy of nature right to your skin.

We harness the power of over 50 of the highest-grade botanical ingredients for complete skin-beautifying nutrition. Every product is 100% natural with actives that help to accelerate regeneration, way beyond average.

Alpine plant power is at the heart of every TellurideGlow creation, formulated with the highest ratios and the greatest variety of cytoprotective alpine botanicals on the market for unsurpassed skin revival.

 “I love this oil! It's the best moisturizer for this dry, rotten climate I live in!” ~Cynthia 

Hardworking alpine recovery botanicals restore skin health 

We step beyond the boundaries of Telluride to find extremophile plants with the most active, skin-boosting whole-plant ingredients that can only be found in exotic higher elevations, and make them the foundation for elevated recovery skincare.

Antioxidant-rich Cloudberries withstanding temperatures of 40 below zero in Arctic Scandinavia

Rare and protected Edelweiss from the Swiss Alps with more free radical fighting ability than vitamin C

Himalayan Sea Buckthorn Berries with over 190 micronutrients that feed your skin

Rare, mineral-rich Glacial Clay from the Southern Alps of New Zealand

Skin-smoothing Aspen Bark plus mountain meadow Arnica to boost circulation

Actives from these survivalist plants keep your skin feeling so nourished that you can walk out of the house without giving it a second thought.

“You have a beautiful product! Yesterday I went to physical therapy, so no makeup. Everyone kept telling me how beautiful my skin is!!” ~G. Johnson

Vibrant skin to withstand urban agression

Harsh weather. Pollutants. Stress. Aging. Sensitivities. Outdoor lifestyles. They all contribute to skin aging faster than normal. And while we know we can’t stop aging, we know we can slow down its effects. 

 “Harsh weather conditions disrupt the skin surface barrier affecting the skin’s ability to retain moisture.” ~ Dr. Hextall, dermatologist, The Harley Medical Group    

Thanks to Mother Nature and her extremophiles, your skin can reclaim strength and resiliency, withstanding any modern-day stresses, anywhere. 

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The Remarkable Benefits of Aspen Bark Extract for Skin Health

The Remarkable Benefits of Aspen Bark Extract for Skin Health

Aspen, scientifically known as Populus tremuloides, and colloquially referred to as the quaking aspen for its distinctive fluttering leaves, is more than just an aesthetically pleasing deciduous tree native to North America.

Beyond its visual charm and the timber's valued durability and disease resistance, aspen harbors potent phytonutrients that offer a myriad of benefits for skin health.

Aspen bark is a phytonutrient powerhouse

The resilience of aspen trees, capable of thriving in harsh high-altitude environments, is largely attributable to their rich content of polyphenols and alkaloids. These compounds not only enable the aspen to fend off predators and diseases but also imbue it with remarkable longevity. Such phytonutrients are what make aspen bark extract a remarkabkle ingredient for skincare, providing significant anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory benefits.

The historical & medicinal significance of aspen bark

Historically, aspen has been revered for its medicinal properties. Indigenous peoples of North America utilized it for treating a variety of conditions, from fever and skin burns to respiratory ailments.

The bark, in particular, was noted for its healing effects on wounds and chilblains, as well as its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, offering relief from back pain and potentially mitigating gastric ulcers.

Aspen bark extract in skincare

Smoothing and Softening Effects

Aspen bark is a treasure trove of salicin, a precursor to salicylic acid, which acts as a gentle exfoliator.

By promoting the shedding of dead skin cells, salicin helps to smooth, soften, and brighten the skin, enhancing texture, diminishing fine lines, and revitalizing the complexion.

Ideal for sensitive skin

Due to its non-irritant nature, aspen bark extract is well-suited for sensitive skin types. It serves as a natural preservative, offering a safer alternative to traditional parabens while reducing the potential for skin irritation.

Anti-inflammatory properties

The blend of salicin and polyphenols in aspen bark extract provides significant anti-inflammatory effects. This can be particularly beneficial for calming reactive or irritated skin, with antioxidants helping to soothe the epidermis by combating free radicals and inflammation.

Potent antioxidant activity

Aspen bark extract's high phytonutrient content makes it a powerful antioxidant. Polyphenols protect the skin's structural proteins, such as collagen and elastin, from oxidative damage. This helps to preserve skin integrity and combating signs of premature aging.

Incorporating aspen bark into your skincare routine

Leveraging the power of aspen bark extract in skincare products, like our Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence, can significantly enhance skin health.

Its unique ability to smooth, soften, and calm, makes it an invaluable ingredient for anyone looking to restore balance and brightness to their complexion.

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