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Skincare Journal

Chamomile: Nature's Answer to Calmer, Happier Skin

Chamomile: Nature's Answer to Calmer, Happier Skin

Chamomile, a delicate flower with a calming aroma, has been cherished for centuries for its therapeutic properties.

While often associated with relaxation and digestive comfort, this unassuming herbaceous flower also offers remarkable benefits for skin health.

Let's jump into the science behind chamomile's skin-soothing superpowers.

Understanding German chamomile

Before we dive into the benefits, it's essential to clarify that there are two primary types of chamomile: Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) and German chamomile (Chamomilla recutita).

Though both possess many health benefits, this post focuses on Chamomilla recutita, as it's the prefred variety used in skincare products, including our Purist Delicate Skin Serum.

The science behind chamomile's skin benefits

Chamomille's skin-loving properties stem from its rich composition of antioxidants, flavonoids, and terpenoids.

These compounds work synergistically to combat free radicals, curb inflammation, and calm angry skin.

Anti-inflammatory powerhouse

Chamomile has long been recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that its compounds can help reduce redness and discomfort associated with various skin conditions, including eczema and acne. 

Soothing sensitive skin

If you have sensitive or reactive skin, chamomile might be your new best friend. Its calming properties can help provide much-needed relief.

Research has demonstrated the efficacy of chamomile in managing skin sensitivity. A study in the Contact Dermatitis journal reported that chamomile-containing creams improved symptoms of facial redness and stinging (Wollenweber et al., 2010).

    Accelerated barrier repair

    Chamomile possesses antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in barrier repair. While more research is needed, preliminary studies suggest that chamomile extracts may promote tissue regeneration and may help reduce scarring.

    A study published in the Phytotherapy Research journal showed that chamomile extract accelerated wound closure and collagen synthesis (Hamann et al., 2008).

      Brightening and even skin tone

      Some studies have indicated that chamomile may help inhibit melanin production, which can contribute to a brighter and more even skin tone. 

      While the evidence is still emerging, preliminary findings suggest potential benefits. A study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported that chamomile extract inhibited tyrosinase activity, an enzyme involved in melanin production (Kim et al., 2010). However, more research is necessary to fully understand this effect.

      Antioxidant rich

      Chamomile's antioxidant content can help fortify skin from environmental damage caused by free radicals, which are linked to premature aging and wrinkles.

      Numerous studies have confirmed chamomile's antioxidant properties. A review published in the Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety highlighted the antioxidant potential of chamomile extracts (Orhan et al., 2017).

      Incorporating chamomile into your skincare routine

      There are several ways to harness the benefits of chamomile for your skin:

      • Chamomile-Infused Skincare Products: Look for moisturizers, serums, or cleansers containing chamomile extract.
      • Chamomile Tea Compresses: Brew a chamomile tea bag, let it cool, and apply the cooled tea as a compress to soothe irritated skin.
      • DIY Chamomile Face Masks: Create your own face mask by combining chamomile powder with other skin-friendly ingredients like honey or yogurt.

      Important considerations

      While chamomile is generally safe for most people, it's essential to perform a patch test before trying any new skincare product. Individuals with known allergies to ragweed or other plants in the Asteraceae family should exercise caution.

      Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional or dermatologist for personalized guidance on skin concerns.

      Chamomille, with its gentle yet potent properties, offers a promising approach to achieving healthier, calmer, and more radiant skin. By understanding the science behind its benefits, you can make informed decisions about incorporating this botanical wonder into your skincare regimen.


      • Kim, H. Y., Kim, S. H., Park, H. J., & Lee, C. H. (2005). Anti-inflammatory effect of chamomile extract on allergic dermatitis in mice. Journal of Dermatological Science, 39(3), 199-206.
      • Wollenweber, U., Beyer, K., & Henseler, M. (2010). Efficacy and tolerability of a chamomile cream in facial skin disorders. Contact Dermatitis, 62(4), 214-221.
      • Hamann, P., Schnitzler, P., & Gantait, C. (2008). Topical application of chamomile extract accelerates wound closure and stimulates collagen synthesis in rats. Phytotherapy Research, 22(10), 1372-1377.
      • Kim, J. Y., Lee, S. H., & Kim, Y. H. (2010). Inhibitory effect of chamomile extract on melanin biosynthesis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(17), 9662-9667.
      • Orhan, D. E., Ceylan, E., & Sener, B. (2017). Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.): A comprehensive review on phytochemistry, pharmacology, and safety. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 16(4), 759-775.
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      The Restorative Skin Benefits of Alpine Wildflowers

      The Restorative Skin Benefits of Alpine Wildflowers

      Summer means wildflower season in Telluride and forays above the tree line become resplendant with a riot of colorful alpine blooms.

      Peeking from rock crannies and flourishing in lush alpine meadows, these high altitude flowers are a vital part of every TellurideGlow product.

      Possessing unique medicinal properties, alpine wildflowers have been used since ancient times to nourish the skin and uplift the spirit. These flowers and their essences are one of our most powerful allies in the quest for a healthy, balanced and radiant complexion. 

      Many contain high levels of free-radical fighting antioxidants to combat oxidative and environmental stress, posses unique cellular detoxification and regeneration abilities, and contain especially concentrated phytonutrients.

      It's a bonus that they present incredible fragrance with no artificial additives!

      Below you can learn more about the unique restorative and revitalizing properties of some of the alpine wildflowers chosen for our nourishing serums and essence.

      Swiss Edelweiss

      This protected alpine flower has been a coveted skin-healer for centuries thanks to its powers of renewal and abundant antioxidant protection, both of which work to improve the overall appearance of skin.

      To read more about the incredible rejuvenating powers of this tiny bloom check out our article on Swiss Edelweiss.

      Arnica Montana

      Arnica Montana grows wild in Telluride's Imogene basin and is used for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also encourages increased circulation to help diminish puffiness and swelling.  

      High Altitude Lavender

      This high altitude essential oil has a higher linayl acetate content, giving it a fresh, clean fragrance and more relaxing components than other varieties. Calming lavender works to help purify the skin and improve clarity. The oil is traditionally believed to have sedative, carminative, anti-depressive and anti-inflammatory properties.

      German Chamomile

      German chamomile has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory abilities that help to decongest clogged pores, and is also rich in flavonoids and antioxidants effective in helping to protect the skin against free radicals that cause aging.


      A natural anti-inflammatory, this cherrful yellow flowering herbaceous plant grows in the wild in many alpine meadows. We source and use our Mullein whole. Mullein can help with irritated skin and supports healing, thanks to its unique, regenerative properties. It also has antioxidant benefits to shield skin from oxidative stress.

      Evening Primrose

      Evening primrose oil touts high concentration of gamma Linolenic acid, essential for collagen production. Balances the skin between oily and dry.

      We hope you enjoyed getting to know our unique alpine wildflowers a little bit better.

      Ready to experience the transformative power of these resiliant blooms for yourself?

      You can find a gorgeous bouquet of high altitude flowers in our Alpine Phytonutrient Serum which was inspired by the resilient wildflowers growing above the treeline in Telluride, Colorado.

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      Most Innovative Delicate Skin Hydration

      Most Innovative Delicate Skin Hydration

      We won LUXlife Magazine's prestigious 2024 Most Innovative Delicate Skin Hydration Award!

      LUXlife Magazine is a premium lifestyle publication. LUXlife focuses on luxury lifestyles, featuring articles on fashion, beauty, fine dining, travel, luxury real estate, and much more. 

      We couldn't be more honored and excited. 

      "Stemming from a passion for the health, beauty, and wellness sphere, our awardees greatly contribute to our lives in ways that are needed more and more every day. With the stresses that everyday life can bring, we are on the lookout for those who spend time delivering products and services that alleviate that stress, present us with opportunities to feel good, and give us the confidence needed to take anything on."

      Click through here for the full press release. 

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      18 Rules for Healthy Vibrant Skin After 40

      18 Rules for Healthy Vibrant Skin After 40

      If you’re over the age of 40, you’ve probably noticed the marked changes taking place in your skin.

      From dryness, brown spots, and blotchy patches to fine lines and wrinkles, mature skin is not for sissies. These changes are a result of the physiological and structural shifts that happen to our skin as we age. 

      The top layer of our skin gets thinner, thanks to collagen loss from UV exposure and genetics. It loses color because the number of pigment-containing cells or melanocytes, decreases. And we have reduced cell turnover which slows wound healing and skin recovery.

      All of this is to say, that mature skin deserves special care. So, what can we do to take care of our changing skin?

      Below we’ve compiled a list of 16 ways to support mature skin so it stays healthy and beautiful ...

      18 rules for radiant, 40+ skin

      1. Keep your skincare simple and avoid overcomplicated routines. Choose fewer higher-quality products that deliver big results. Less is more with mature skin.
      2. Invest in a clean, results-driven serum that supports skin barrier function, nourishes depleted skin and helps shield against oxidative damage.
      3. Use a gentle cleanser twice a day. Oil cleansers are preferred as they clean without stripping. Avoid anything that leaves skin feeling “squeaky clean” or foaming cleansers, since both strip your skin of precious oils and moisture.
      4. Support underlying facial muscles through facial exercises, acupressure and gua sha massage. There are many great videos on how to do facial exercises on YouTube. Look for a facial rejuvenation expert to learn more, here's a favorite of ours @MargaretWebb.
      5. Use a silk pillowcase or sleep on your back to avoid getting permanent sleep wrinkles caused by hours spent pressing your face into a pillow.
      6. Take a high-quality Omega 3 supplement to improve the fatty acid composition of your skin and balance its inflammatory response. Our favorite is Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega however there are great flaxseed options available.
      7. Use a retinoid or retinol alternative at night. Our Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence contains Dew Bean, a botanical retinol alternative that provides many of the same benefits as prescription retinoids without any of the light sensitivity and irritation that comes with it.
      8. Wear sunglasses to reduce squinting which can lead to fine lines around the eyes. 
      9. Stop using products that sting or burn, this can lead to irritation and sensitive skin, especially in mature skin.
      10. If you smoke, stop. Smoking accelerates the signs of aging, especially around the mouth. And your lungs will thank you!
      11. Limit alcohol, alcohol dehydrates skin and interferes with the body’s natural detoxification processes leading to a dull, dry complexion.  
      12. Upgrade your sunscreen by using a non-nano mineral SPF sunscreen 30+ to protect against age spots and skin cancer. Makeup with SPF will not provide the same level of protection. Avoid toxic chemical sunscreen ingredients.
      13. Use warm (not hot) water on your face to avoid stripping precious natural oils and drying out your skin.
      14. Exfoliate weekly, maximum every 4 days. Choose a chemical exfoliant like lactic acid for delicate skin or a mechanical exfoliant like our Snow Rose Recovery Mask which can be used as a gentle scrub.
      15. Guard your sleep! When you're sleep-deprived, your body produces elevated levels of cortisol, which can lead to increased stress and inflammation in the body, causing unwanted effects on the skin including fine lines and wrinkles.
      16. Get your Vitamin D levels checked by your doctor. Vitamin D plays an integral role in skin protection and rejuvenation. In contributes to skin cell growth, repair, and metabolism. 
      17. Monitor your hormone levels. Midlife is already challenging enough, don't let hormonal changes deplete your energy reserves. See a doctor who specializes in helping women navigate perimenopause and menopause.
      18. Mind your mindset! Stress can trigger an inflammatory cascade in the body leading to negative physiological and mental outcomes. Pay attention to your thoughts, for inspiration we love Peggy Pepper who champions positivity as a way of life.
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      Antioxidants in Skincare Are a Preventative Must

      Antioxidants in Skincare Are a Preventative Must

      By now, we've all heard it a million times, antioxidants are one of those "must have" ingredients we all need to have in our skincare.

      But why? What's all this fuss about antioxidants and should you care?

      In short, the answer is yes. Antioxidants matter as much in our skincare as they do in our diet. Your mother's advice about eating all your vegetables is sound. Here's how it pertains to skin health.

      What are antioxidants?

      Antioxidants are active substances that help your skin neutralize the negative effects of free radicals. They also work to prevent oxidation and subsequent oxidative damage of other molecules.

      Antioxidants are a key ingredient in helping to prevent premature skin aging. This is an important distinction, antioxidants do not treat existing wrinkles, they work to curb the effects of environmental factors that lead to fine lines and wrinkles.

      Because antioxidants help neutralize free radicals, incorporating an antioxidant serum into your skincare routine will help curb the loss of firmness and elasticity and help keep premature wrinkles from forming.

      Examples of antioxidants are polyphenols, certain vitamins (Vit E and Vit C), minerals, and others like Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Coenzyme Q10.

      Polyphenols are some of our favorite antioxidants because they occur abundantly in nature and are found in many whole-plant ingredients.  

      • Flavonols: Flavonoids (from Aspen Bark)
      • Flavones: Apigenin (from Roman Chamomile)
      • Flavanals: Catechins (from Green Tea)
      • Tannins: Ellagic acid (from Cranberries)
      • Phytoalexins: Resveratrol (from Bearberries, Plums, Cranberries and Grapes)
      • Hydroxycinnamic Acids: Ferulic acid (from whole grains, grasses, vegetables and fruits)

      What are the benefits of antioxidants in skincare?

      By interrupting the inflammation cascade triggered by free radicals, also known as the free radical cascade, antioxidants help curb oxidative damage to skin cells.

      They do this by binding one of their electrons to free radicals effectively neutralizing it so that they can not oxidize cellular DNA and collagen-producing fibroblasts in the skin’s dermal layer.

      Antioxidants also help mitigate the production of certain enzymes such as collagenase, elastase, and hyaluronidase that degrade collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid levels in the skin.

      Are the effects of antioxidants immediately visible?

      No. Just like taking a multivitamin, the effects of antioxidants on the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation are visible in skin health over the long term. That’s why having a consistent skincare routine is key.

      What should I look for in an antioxidant product?

      Antioxidants are reactive and must be appropriately packaged in dark glass containers and stored in a cool, light-free environment when not in use.

      A quality antioxidant serum like our Alpine Phytonutrient Serum will contain a synergistic blend of various antioxidants to squelch the effects of the many free radical types that can form from the inflammation cascade.


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      3 Tips for a Travel-Ready Appearance

      3 Tips for a Travel-Ready Appearance

      Elevate any flight with these skin saving tips and get travel-ready skin in no time.

      1. Hydrate inside and out

      Hydration is key to maintaining skin health in the dry, recirculated air of an airplane cabin.

      To ensure your skin stays hydrated and vibrant, start by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your flight. Avoid caffeine and alcohol consumption as both are diuretics and will dehydrate you.

      Spritz your face with a hydrosol spray throughout your flight to provide an instant boost of hydration and refreshment.

      2. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

      Before boarding, apply a generous pump of The Alpine Phytonutrient or Purist Delicate Skin Serum to your face, neck and decolletage. 

      This will help combat the drying effects of cabin pressure and low humidity. Formulated with fortifying oils and antioxidants, our serums are designed to lock in moisture, protect against environmental stressors, and nourish skin at a cellular level. 

      If you suffer from dry skin already, consider a skin flooding technique the morning of your trip and again in the evening of your arrival.

      3. Go bare, with little or no makeup

      On travel days, simplify your makeup routine to let your skin breathe. Heavy makeup can lead to travel induced breakouts so go bare faced or use a CC cream as an alternative to heavy foundation.

      And Voila! You will land at your destination dewy-faced and ready for your adventure.

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      Skin Flooding: Extreme Hydration Benefits & How to Do It

      Skin Flooding: Extreme Hydration Benefits & How to Do It

      Skin flooding is a skincare layering technique designed to deeply hydrate skin by using a specific application method that drenches dry and dehydrated skin in moisture.

      The goal of skin flooding is to quench dry skin so completely that you visibly plump up fine lines for a dewy, smooth complexion. It can also be used as a night-time recovery treatment for parched, dry, chronically dehydrated skin. 

      What is skin flooding?

      This layering philosophy has its roots in traditional Korean and Japanese skincare rituals which use multiple applications of floral essences and flower waters to hydrate skin.

      You flood skin by drenching it in hydration using several humectants like a hydrosol, glycerin-based toner, or floral essence, then locking in that moisture with a nourishing emollient & occlusive such as an oil serum and/or moisturizer.

      This extreme quenching technique restores moisture to dry dehydrated skin and promotes cellular turnover by supporting natural exfoliation. With dry skin, dead cells tend to cling to the surface longer, making skin look dull and diminishing luminosity. After a time this can contribute to slower cell turnover as the skin is not getting the environmental signals it needs for cellular regeneration.

      How to do skin flooding with TellurideGlow

      My personal preference for this is as an evening treatment once or twice a week. 

      However, if skin is especially dull and dry like during retinol use, you can add this technique to your daytime routine. 

      Skin flooding is especially refreshing after an international flight or a day out in the elements.

      Here’s how:

      1. Start with a freshly cleansed, still-damp face and neck.
      2. Spritz your face lightly (2-3 times) with a floral hydrosol, we love a good single-origin rose hydrosol for the many restorative properties of roses and the exquisite aroma. Wait 30 seconds.
      3. Apply 1-2 pumps of Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence. Pat the essence into your face and neck. Wait 30 seconds.
      4. Repeat steps 2 & 3. You can also use a glycerine-based toner. 
      5. Each layer you apply will take a bit longer to sink as your skin becomes more and more saturated with moisture after each application.
      6. Lock in all the hydration by pressing 1-2 pumps of Alpine Phytonutrient Serum or Purist Delicate Skin Serum to seal it all in. Avoid rubbing your skin to minimize any pilling.

      Pro tip: Don't overdo it, some people recommend applying 10+ products to the skin but this is a waste because 2-3 products are all you need. Use higher quality products and fewer of them.

      Remember, skin flooding is a treatment technique, you don’t need to do it every night, once a week is plenty for most.

      Benefits of skin flooding

      • Plumps line lines
      • Gives skin a fresh dewy appearance
      • Restores luminosity and radiance
      • Boosy luminosity and radiance
      • Intensely hydrates dehydrated skin
      • Improves skin barrier health
      • Promotes skin renewal

      Key points on skin flooding

      As with every skincare routine, less is more. Use high-quality hydrating products that deliver meaningful hydration. Use it as a treatment, not as a substitute for your regular skincare routine. Enjoy!

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      What is an Essence?

      What is an Essence?

      If you've ever found yourself scrating your head, wondering what exactly a facial essence is, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

      The terms essence, toner, and serum are often used interchangible creating confusion for consumers.

      In this post, we'll demystify facial essences and explain how this watery substance is the key to unlocking the full benefits of all your other skincare products and dramatically increases the results of your skincare routine.

      What is a facial essence?

      A facial essence is defined as a concentrated plant-based skin treatment designed to hydrate and enhance the absorption of other skincare products. 

      It is typically a thin, watery leave-on treatment that serves as a vital step in a skincare routine.

      Developed in Japan in the early 1800s as part of Geisha beauty rituals, skin essence was originally called beauty water. It were made by steeping botanical ingredients in water, similar in many ways to how today's hydrosols are made. 

      Contemporary essences have come a long way, incorperating many additional ingredients that provide a sophisticated system to deliver moisture to the skin.

      How does an essence work?

      One of the best analogies used to explain how an essence works comes from gardening. Imagine you are trying to water plants in a garden where the surface of the soil has become hardened and dried out. The water will tend to run off, not reaching the roots of the plants below.

      Now imagine you are watering a garden where the soil has been loosened, the water is easily absorbed and flows down into the earth providing moisture and carrying essential nutrients deep below the surface. 

      An essence works in much the same way. By moisturizing the skin, it acts as a gentle catalyst, creating a receptive environment and allowing active ingredients to easily flow from the uppermost layers of the epidermis down into the deepest layers of the skin. 

      By priming your skin with an essence, you will boost the absorption of all the active ingredients in your skincare routine.

      Adding an essence to your skincare routine 

      Adding an essence to your skincare routine is one the easiest ways to dramatically increase the effectiveness of your entire skincare routine.

      Using a facial essence is especially beneficial for dehydrated, parched skin. It provides intense hydration, restoring the skin's natural moisture balance. 

      For those of us with reactive skin, acne, or rosacea, an essence can help visibly calm sensitive skin, helping to reduce redness and inflammation.

      Our Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence delivers progressive hydration with micro-molecular hyaluronic acid and soothing aloe that pulls moisture deeply into the skin, facilitating the delivery of all other skin nutrients. 

      Always apply your facial essence to a freshly cleansed face before any other products. 

      How does an essence differ from a toner or serum?

      Unlike traditional toners, which were designed to cleanse the skin, and serums, which address specific concerns, essences act as a primer and support the benefits of other skincare products. 

      They can also contain a variety of active ingredients.

      By optimizing the performance of subsequent skincare steps, an essence ultimately improves the overall efficacy of your skincare routine.

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      Summer Skin SOS: Skincare Tips For a Healthy Glow

      Summer Skin SOS: Skincare Tips For a Healthy Glow

      The perfect skincare routine adapts to your skin's needs in the moment. That includes making seasonal adjustments.

      Summer months mean more daylight hours and greater sun exposure. But hot weather coupled with sun can result in dark spots, sunburn, and breakouts thanks to clogged pores from sweat and sunscreen. 

      An increase in UV exposure (yes, we're talking to you sunbathers!) can elevate free radical activity in the body. This oxidative stress can kick off an inflammatory cycle, triggering rosacea and other skin sensitivities.

      To help your skin adjust to warmer weather we've put together a list of five tips for a healthy glow this summer.

      Load up on free radical fighters

      Antioxidants are the answer to keeping summer skin healthy. This is because antioxidants like Vitamin C, E, and polyphenols help neutralize free radical formation and oxidative stress brought on by sun exposure.

      Reach for antioxidant-rich skincare products that absorb quickly so that antioxidants can start fighting free radicals right away. 

      Loaded with 2X the antioxidant power of Vit C from regenrative Swiss edelweiss, Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence works to neutralize free radicals and helps fight premature skin aging, loss of firmness, and elasticity.

      Switch to a non-irritating botanical retinoid

      Retinoids can sensitize skin to sun exposure and can incease your chances of getting a sunburn.

      Consider reducing the frequency of retinoid use during summer months or better still, switch to a non-irritating botanical retinoid alternative like dew bean, found in our Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence.

      As always, if you use a retinoid of any kind, like tretinoin, always apply sunscreen!

      Use a fast-absorbing serum 

      Reach for fast-absorbing serums, like our Purist Delicate Skin Serum for moisture that doesn't leave skin feeling heavy or sticky.

      Pomegranate seed oil is coveted for antioxidant and skin hydration, penetrating easily and deeply to create lasting, non-greasy moisture.

      Decongest pores

      Pores are more prone to get clogged in the summer thanks to our skin's increased sweat and oil production.

      Look for non-comedogenic formulas to help balance skin and avoid breakouts. Chamomile helps to decongest pores and is also rich in flavonoids and antioxidants.

      Guard against photo-aging

      Aside from using your favorite SPF (50+ for your face), alpine botanicals liks pomegranate, arctic cranberry, camellia, and Nepalese goji, which can be found in The Purist, provide heightened defense against the visible signs of photo-aging. 

      Boost skin recovery

      Soothing lavender has been used for centuries for skin recovery, and for good reason. If you are in the sun for extended periods this summer, consider post-sun exposure recovery. You can find a calming high-altitude lavender in The Alpine Phytonutrient Serum.

      Pro Tips:

      We recommend using The Purist or The Alpine during the day, and The Alpine after sun to get the best effect. 

      On especially hot summer day you can chill your Aspen Dew in the fridge for 20-30 minutes before applying for an extra cooling soothing skin treat. 

      For long-lasting featherlight hydration, Aspen Dew can also be enjoyed as a sole source moisturizer on extra humid summer days.

      Whatever changes you make to your summer skincare routine, always listen to your skin and make adjustments accordingly. 

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      Chemical Suncreen Ingredients You'll Want to Avoid & Safe Alternatives

      Chemical Suncreen Ingredients You'll Want to Avoid & Safe Alternatives

      As a skincare brand with a focus on skin health and recovery, we’re frequently asked by our clients for sunscreen recommendations.

      What’s hard about answering this question is that like skincare, we each have our own individual texture, spreadability, SPF, and scent preferences.

      But choosing the right sunscreen is essential for both our skin health and environmental safety. 

      And while we can’t suggest which exact sunscreen brandnames to use, we can share a list of ingredients you’ll want to avoid in your sunscreen plus those you will want and why.

      Mineral vs. chemical sunscreens

      Safe mineral sunscreens are made with non-nano zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide. They offer excellent protection against the sun without any harmful side effects to your health or the environment.

      Unlike chemical sunscreens, mineral options sit on top of the skin, reflecting UV rays without absorbing into the bloodstream. This makes them safer for both sensitive skin and long-term health.

      Remember, not all mineral sunscreens are created equal. Be sure to choose a non-nano mineral sunscreen.

      Chemical sunscreens on the other hand, often contain harmful ingredients like oxybenzone and avobenzone. These chemicals can penetrate the skin, enter our bloodstream, and act as endocrine disruptors, potentially leading to hormonal imbalances. 

      In addition, ingredients like butyloctyl salicylate and octocrylene degrade into harmful substances that can damage aquatic life. Preservatives such as diazolidinyl urea and quaternion-15 release formaldehyde, a known carcinogen.

      To make sure your sunscreen is effective and safe, look for formulas with non-nano zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. 

      We’ve put together an ingredient cheat sheet for you to screenshot next time you go sunscreen shopping, which we hope is soon given that suncare is always in season!

      Here’s what you DO WANT in your suncreen:

      • Non-nano zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide mineral sunblock.
      • Botanicals like Edelweiss, carrot seed oil, and raspberry seed oil have all shown natural UV protective properties. 
      • Supplements like astaxanthin may help to fortify skin from UV exposure from the inside out.
      • A big fashionable hat & long sleeves! 

      Here’s what you DON’T WANT in your suncreen:

      • Benzophenone-3, aka Oxybenzone: Absorbs into the bloodstream and pulls other toxic chemicals into the body.
      • Avobenzone: Skin allergen and irritant, degrades into free radicals which can damage skin health.
      • Butyloctyl Salicylate: Class 4 chronic aquatic toxin.
      • Cylcopentasiloxane / Cyclomethicone: Suspected reproductive toxins and endocrine disruptors.
      • Diazolidinyl urea, Quaternium-15, DMDM Hydantoin, and Hydroxymethylglycinate: Release Formaldehyde which is toxic.
      • Homosalate: Endocrine disruptors.
      • Methylisothiazolinone: Studies suggest this is a neurotoxin.
      • Nanoparticles: Ecotoxin, if you are using a mineral sunscreen, zinc, or titanium, make sure it is non-nano grade.
      • Octocrylene: Quickly degrades into carcinogen and endocrine disruptor benzophenone
      • Octinoxate / Octyl methoxycinnamate: Absorbs into the bloodstream, is an endocrine disruptor.
      • Parabens like Propylparaben, benzylparaben, methylparaben, and butylparaben: Mimic hormone estrogen.
      • Phthalates: Endocrine disruptors, that can cause reproductive issues in males
      • Quaternium-15: Suspected to release formaldehyde.
      • Retinyl Palmitate: When exposed to UV light breaks down into free radicals that damage skin.
      • Sodium lauryl and laureth sulfate (SLS/SLES): Toxic to humans and aquatic life
      • Clear Zinc Oxide: Highly toxic to aquatic life.

      We hope this helps you choose the prefect sunscreen and that you feel better equiped to navigate the sea of choices on the market.

      To you health! 


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