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Skincare Journal

The Unexpected Wellness Benefits of Cold (You'll Be Surprised)

The Unexpected Wellness Benefits of Cold (You'll Be Surprised)

You may prefer flip flops and beaches, but knowing these surprising health benefits may help you appreciate colder temperatures.

Healthy reasons to embrace the cold

Weight loss

Our bodies dip into the fat supply for fuel to keep warm. One study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation found that exposure to cold temperatures (not accompanied by shivering) can activate brown fat metabolism, so it may help burn calories. And shivering can be good, too, as it also stimulates the burning of fat. A study published in the journal Cell Metabolism found that shivering stimulates the secretion of irisin, a hormone that induces fat burning. Apparently, just 15 minutes spent shivering in a cold environment has the same effect as exercising for an hour. (Word of caution below). The flip side is that cold temperatures may increase your appetite.

Better sleep

The latest existing research suggests that the ideal temperature for the best sleep should be somewhere between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit, and you might burn more calories, too. Your body’s core temp naturally drops when you’re trying to sleep and the process is much faster in winter.

Allergy relief

Pollen counts are virtually nonexistent in cold and snowy weather, so if you suffer from outdoor allergies, you may get a break! Of course, there are other indoor allergens in wintertime you should consider, such as mold and dust mites, but for the most part, you’ll get a bit of a reprieve.

Brain boost

Studies show that colder temperatures help people think clearly. What’s more, other research shows that people tackle more cognitive problems in the winter than in the summer, because summer temps use more glucose that’s needed for mental processes.


Cold air acts like a natural ice pack to decrease inflammation, so you might get some relief from less swollen and puffy joints in winter.

Techniques like cryotherapy involve brief exposure to extremely cold temperatures (often below -200°F) in a specialized chamber. While research is ongoing, proponents suggest cryotherapy may offer several benefits. These include reducing muscle soreness and inflammation by constricting blood vessels and decreasing nerve activity, potentially aiding in faster recovery after exercise. Some also report pain relief for conditions like arthritis and improved skin conditions due to increased blood flow after the treatment.

Immune benefits

Cold weather kicks your immune system into gear and fights infections more effectively. Studies have shown that the human immune system can be activated when exposed to the cold, and this enhances someone’s ability to fight infections. 

Practices like the Wim Hof Method combine specific breathing techniques, cold exposure (such as cold showers or ice baths), and mindset/meditation. Advocates suggest the Wim Hof Method can enhance the immune system by influencing the autonomic nervous system and reducing inflammation. It's also believed to improve mental focus and mood through the release of endorphins and other neurochemicals.

Mood enhancer

As your body works harder to stay warm while exercising outdoors, endorphins are released-- those feel-good hormones--and your mood is naturally lifted.

Please Note: Of course, extremely cold weather can be dangerous, and you should exercise caution. Take a look at these must-read tips for plummeting temperatures or these severe weather tips from Antartica.

Skin benefits of cold

The good news

You know that hot water can dry the skin, but did you know that cold weather increases blood circulation by constraining blood vessels in the skin? This reduces the likelihood of puffy eyes and facial swelling.

Exposure to cool weather also tightens the pores of your skin and invigorates your face. Think clear, bright eyes and rosy cheeks. Plus, you tend to produce less oil and sebum in the winter, so you may have fewer breakouts.

The bad news

Multiple elements can victimize your complexion, especially in high altitudes. Wind, sun, cold, heat and dryness create the perfect situation for chapped, depleted skin and can promote and contribute to aging. Click here for our winter skincare guide.

TellurideGlow embraces the cold

Powerful survivalist plants

We use high ratios of premium alpine botanicals because they produce powerful antioxidants, phytonutrients, and UV defenses to thrive in extremely cold climates. The air is cleaner, the soil undisturbed, and powerful secondary metabolites are produced to ward off pests and environmental aggression with some of the most beneficial plant composition on the planet.

TellurideGlow taps into these adaptive strategies with whole plant, certified organic formulas to nourish and protect against dehydration, free radical damage, sensitivities, and signs of premature aging.

Cold processing 

Virgin and raw ingredients are well known for their nutritional benefits. Our premium botanical ingredients are abundant in bioactive anti-oxidants, plant-derived nutrients, essential fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids and minerals, so we seek out cold pressed ingredients to deliver better skin nutrition to restore and replenish the skin.

Cold formulating

Fresh botanical ingredients can lose much of their potency when heated, so to maintain the integrity of our raw ingredients we manufacture our whole plant formulas with cold technology, blending with extremely low to no heat during manufacturing.

Cold storage

Many warehouses are not climate controlled, so we searched until we found the right one to ensure our fresh ingredients are not compromised as temperatures rise.

We invite you to read how customers are loving and using the products here (https://www.tellurideglow.com/praise/).

Join thousands who love the results of better skin nutrition with TELLURIDEglow.


  1. https://www.jci.org/articles/view/60433?key=5e3684aee3d55b74adc8
  2. http://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(14)00006-0
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8022726?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
  4. https://www.rd.com/health/diet-weight-loss/best-sleeping-temperature/
  5. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/%28SICI%291099-0720%28199912%2913:6%3C561::AID-ACP661%3E3.0.CO;2-J/abstract
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8925815
  7. https://www.farmersalmanac.com/cedar-fever-33941
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Adaptogens Rediscovered

Adaptogens Rediscovered

Adaptogens are the new buzzword in skincare but these ingredients that have been used for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years in herbal medicine to restore the body to its natural state.

In skincare, adaptogens work like antioxidants in that their main purpose is to protect the body from external stressors and bring it back to its normal state. They can decrease inflammation, cleanse the skin by killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi, decrease oil production, protect, and hydrate while providing potent antioxidants.

Traditionally, adaptogenic herbs have grown in some of the most inhospitable areas of the planet which likely gives them their stress and fatigue-fighting properties. Some adaptogens are considered extremophiles of the plant kindgom.

Bioavailability is key

Adaptogen plants need to be quality-controlled to have bioavailability and proven ability to reach the targeted skin layer. The best way to do this is to leave them in their natural state, undisturbed by heat and processing as we do with our whole-plant ingredients at Telluride Glow. Care and thoughtfulness must be applied at every step, from harvest to formulation, if the skin is to reap the full benefits. 

Adaptogen plants often grow in stressed environments, bestowing potent nutrients as a survival mechanism. For us, that means delivering better skin nutrition. 

TellurideGlow transports raw plant energy from alpine survivalist plants right to your skin. We source worldwide to provide the highest ratios and greatest variety of cytoprotective high-altitude botanicals on the market. 

Age-old adaptogenic botanicals

Each adaptogenic ingredient in our formulas uniquely supports the skin, bringing overall balance and resilience to the complexion. 

Tremella mushroom (aka snow mushroom)

The polysaccharides (naturally occurring long chains of carbohydrate molecules) found in tremella have immunological properties. They help adjust the immune system to assist the body in fighting off skin stressors. You can find snow mushroom in our Snow Rose Recovery Mask.

Aloe vera

Aloe is known to contain twelve substances that play a role in soothing inflammation. The disinfecting and antimicrobial properties also play a role in fighting harmful bacteria. This wonder plant is perfectly suited to assist the body with defense mechanisms. And it's just one of the many reasons we choose aloe as our first ingredient (as opposed to water) in our best-selling Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence

Marchmallow root

Stress has been shown to impair the skin barrier, leaving it prone to water loss and dehydration. Marshmallow root helps to fortify the skin barrier and increase skin hydration. The healing, moisturizing, and soothing qualities of marshmallow root make it highly effective for revitalizing stressed skin.

Goji berry

Lycium barbarum (Goji) contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory carotenoids, and flavonoids. Goji berries can help stimulate collagen, improving your skin's elasticity to keep it looking radiant. Goji reduces irritation and minimizes sun damage that leads to wrinkles, age spots, and sagging skin. 


Moringa is an Ayurvedic favorite that is ultra-hydrating and boasts a high antioxidant content that helps protect against pollution. Discover the hydrating powers of moringa for yourself in our Alpine Phytonutrient Serum

Lavender and chamomile essential oil 

These are aromatic nervines that support the nervous system. They are used to help relieve muscle tension, circular thoughts, wakeful nights, and the occasional worry...or perhaps ongoing worry that many are experiencing during the coronavirus.

Sea buckthorn

A super fruit that contains all of the omegas — not just 3, 6, and 9, but also the ultra-rare 7 — as well as more than 60 antioxidants and at least 20 minerals.

Known as “Holy Fruit” in the Himalayan Mountains where it is grown, it is often used to improve skin health, as it has been linked to healing psoriasis and to slowing aging. Sea Buckthorn is recognized for its outstanding cellular regeneration properties for skin, you can find it in our Purist Delicate Skin Serum.

Do you know what damages skincare nutrients? 

Heat, light, and air.

To keep your products at top efficacy, look for dark containers to keep out light, and avoid products in clear glass, especially those with fragile antioxidants.

Seek out treatment pumps over droppers to keep out air, and choose companies that use cold processing and cold formulating.

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