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Skincare Journal

3 Tips for a Travel-Ready Appearance

3 Tips for a Travel-Ready Appearance

Elevate any flight with these skin saving tips and get travel-ready skin in no time.

1. Hydrate inside and out

Hydration is key to maintaining skin health in the dry, recirculated air of an airplane cabin.

To ensure your skin stays hydrated and vibrant, start by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your flight. Avoid caffeine and alcohol consumption as both are diuretics and will dehydrate you.

Spritz your face with a hydrosol spray throughout your flight to provide an instant boost of hydration and refreshment.

2. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

Before boarding, apply a generous pump of The Alpine Phytonutrient or Purist Delicate Skin Serum to your face, neck and decolletage. 

This will help combat the drying effects of cabin pressure and low humidity. Formulated with fortifying oils and antioxidants, our serums are designed to lock in moisture, protect against environmental stressors, and nourish skin at a cellular level. 

If you suffer from dry skin already, consider a skin flooding technique the morning of your trip and again in the evening of your arrival.

3. Go bare, with little or no makeup

On travel days, simplify your makeup routine to let your skin breathe. Heavy makeup can lead to travel induced breakouts so go bare faced or use a CC cream as an alternative to heavy foundation.

And Voila! You will land at your destination dewy-faced and ready for your adventure.

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Maintain Glowing Skin While Traveling

Maintain Glowing Skin While Traveling

Have you ever hopped on a jet only to disembark at your destination and have your previously glowing complexion look dry, flaky, or just plain out of sorts?

There’s a reason this happens during travel. To understand why we must first take a look at our skin’s natural moisturizing factor, or NMF for short.

Your Skin’s Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF)

To stay hydrated, your skin produces what’s called a natural moisturizing factor (NMF). It consists of water-attracting compounds, like amino acids, urea, lactic acid, pyrrolidone carboxylic acid, and other small molecules. These substances work together to bind ambient water molecules to the skin, keeping it hydrated and in a state of balance.

The fascinating thing is, your skin naturally adjusts how much NMF it produces. And it does this based on the environment you’re in.

For example, let’s say you live in a dry climate with low humidity levels like Colorado. Your skin will make more NMF than if you lived someplace with higher ambient humidity levels like Texas or Florida.

When you travel, your skin senses the change in environmental humidity, altitude, sun exposure, etc., and works overtime to bring itself back into a state of homeostasis, or balance. 

But this adjustment takes time and it’s one of the big reasons our skin can react negatively, looking dry and dull or on the opposite spectrum, breaking out within days after arriving on vacation.

To help your skin bounce back more quickly while you travel, try these tips and tricks.

Tips for Maintaining Glowing Skin While Traveling

Consider air travel

Any air travel you do will dehydrate your skin as cabin air has very little humidity. Before boarding apply a moisturizing facial serum like the Alpine Phytonutrient Serum and reapply during your flight.

Don’t worry, at one ounce each, TSA will allow you to carry on multiple full-sized TellurideGlow serums. This will help protect your skin from drying out as a result of the constant wicking effects of dry air being circulated in the cabin. Plus the soothing scent of the Alpine will add a little extra relaxation to your trip. 

You can also use a hydrating facial mist and spritz your face periodically during the flight. This will help add moisture back onto the surface of your skin, and since TSA won’t allow you to carry on a personal humidifier, it’s your next best option. 

Bring a lip ointment or dab some Purist Delicate Skin Serum onto your lips to keep them from cracking and chapping.

Pick up a water bottle so you can stay well hydrated while you fly. To that end, avoid caffeinated beverages and alcohol, both are known diuretics. 

This will help your skin bounce back more quickly and reduce the effects of jetlag if you're traveling overseas. You can always have a Parisien cappuccino or an Aperol Spritz once you land.  


Once you arrive at your destination, restore moisture to dehydrated skin with our Aspen Dew Illuminating Essence. As a water-based formula, the Aspen Dew will deposit moisture back into your skin while the micro-molecular hyaluronic acid in it will help to continuously pull ambient moisture back into your skin. 

Follow with a skin barrier recovery serum like the Alpine to help balance skin post-travel. The phytoceramides found in both the Alpine and Purist will help protect your skin from additional moisture loss by preventing further trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL).

Cleanse gently

For cleansing while traveling, avoid harsh soaps or foaming products as these will strip your skin barrier of its natural oils. Skip potentially irritating hotel soaps and cleansers. Look for an oil-based or cream cleanser to help deposit lipids back onto your skin. 

And tempting as it might be, try not to over-cleanse while traveling. Over-cleansing can cause an inflammatory reaction in your skin, worsening dryness, hormonal breakouts, and skin conditions like eczema. 

Be mindful of chlorinated water

The water at your destination may have more chlorine, water softeners, or hard minerals than what you’re used to back home. These can worsen dry skin and aggravate reactive skin. 

This rule applies to swimming in chlorinated pools. Always rinse off after you get out to help remove any residual chlorine.


You have heard it a million times but it bears repeating, always protect your skin from the sun. Especially if you’re traveling to a mountain town like Telluride where intense UV exposure and high altitudes can literally worsen every skin condition under the… ahem, sun. 

Choose a non-toxic sunscreen with a pleasing texture that you will enjoy using and apply it every few hours when out of doors.

Wishing you happy travels and glowing skin this summer!

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