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3 Tips for a Travel-Ready Appearance

3 Tips for a Travel-Ready Appearance

Elevate any flight with these skin saving tips and get travel-ready skin in no time.

1. Hydrate inside and out

Hydration is key to maintaining skin health in the dry, recirculated air of an airplane cabin.

To ensure your skin stays hydrated and vibrant, start by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your flight. Avoid caffeine and alcohol consumption as both are diuretics and will dehydrate you.

Spritz your face with a hydrosol spray throughout your flight to provide an instant boost of hydration and refreshment.

2. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

Before boarding, apply a generous pump of The Alpine Phytonutrient or Purist Delicate Skin Serum to your face, neck and decolletage. 

This will help combat the drying effects of cabin pressure and low humidity. Formulated with fortifying oils and antioxidants, our serums are designed to lock in moisture, protect against environmental stressors, and nourish skin at a cellular level. 

If you suffer from dry skin already, consider a skin flooding technique the morning of your trip and again in the evening of your arrival.

3. Go bare, with little or no makeup

On travel days, simplify your makeup routine to let your skin breathe. Heavy makeup can lead to travel induced breakouts so go bare faced or use a CC cream as an alternative to heavy foundation.

And Voila! You will land at your destination dewy-faced and ready for your adventure.

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