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I’ve learned a few things from you


I recently asked for feedback and picked up many nuggets from you about what you liked and what you'd like to see changed about Telluride Glow. I was blown away. What YOU say matters much more than what I say! Here's a few.


Does anything else really matter more than results? Well, maybe compliments.

"Love the fragrance, and the Alpine oil is the only thing I’ve found that helps in the dry of winter. Even with other $$$$ creams, my face still looked drawn. The oil has helped tremendously! - Sherri McCann

"I didn't want to like your product as much as I do, but darn it, I do. I became a customer when you created the Alpine Pure Oil. As your business has expanded, I too have expanded my likes. I now enjoy your Aspen Dew along with The Alpine. I try to be mindful and use them sparingly, but this aged, outdoor-exposed skin of mine happily drinks them in. So far, I can't resist. I appreciate the clean and excellent ingredients with which Telluride Glow products are made. Thank you for your dedication to quality!" - Joan Olderog

"I was diagnosed with Rosacea last year (Coronavirus stress?) and The Purist helps to keep my skin's moisture barrier in check. The Purist is essential to my preventative therapy." - Teena Vanvick

"Your products have saved my skin! I moved from Austin to El Paso 18 months ago. My wonderful friend Martha gave me some Alpine Phytonutrient serum as a going away gift. I was using it every night. Once I ran out, I purchased the Aspen Dew essence and Alpine- together they have kept my skin from drying up in the desert environment." - Denise “Suzie” Greer

"My favorite is the Purist Serum. I religiously use it morning and night. It keeps my skin supple and glowing. I’ve just recently started using Aspen Dew, too. I like the results, as my face seems brighter and tighter." - Sheila George

"Thank you for such a fabulous skin care line. Your products walk the talk." - Brenda S

"When I run out of the alpine phytonutrient serum, I notice a huge difference in my skin. Without the serum in my routine, my skin is more dull -- but with it, it's vibrant, glowing and so healthy looking!"- Marina Mayer


"Strangers stop and ask me “What are you doing for your skin?”!! WOW! That’s never happened EVER!" - Peggy Pepper

“I can really see and feel a difference in my 53 year old skin. Even my aesthetician has noticed a difference.“ -- Catherine Hook

"I have been using telluride glow for years. I currently use The Alpine Phytonutrient Serum and love it. I am 50 years old and my Botox injector who has been in the business for 15 years just told me that my skin glows from within." -- David Leib

"I LOVE Telluride Glow Alpine Phyto serum! I use it twice a day, and it’s the only thing I use. I’ve always had dry skin and it’s the only thing that has ever worked on my skin. No one thinks I’m as old as I am (68 don’t tell)." - Judy Nordseth

"I have to say thank you for creating such wonderful products! I am such a fan of Telluride Glow and tell all my friends about it. I had searched high and low for high quality skincare. I travel a lot for work, and my face was very dry and broken out. My mother ended up giving me several of your products — two of the oils and the mask. I was amazed at how great my skin looked and felt after using them! My boss even told me my face looked a lot better. (I’m going to assume that was a compliment, haha.)" - Sarah Mitschke

"I love the Purist! Since using it, I have been receiving compliments on my skin. Thank you Telluride Glow." - Donna Painter


Many of you have been using our products for YEARS.

"I have been a user of Telluride glow since the beginning! I cannot imagine my skin without it. I use Aspen Dew and The Purist daily and my skin is truly at it’s best because of these incredible products!" - Kimberly Marney

"I’m in this for the long term and am dedicated to the goodness and high level of self care of Telluride Glow. Thank you for being ahead of the curve and understanding what women really want with their skincare."- Mary Cozad Yuma, Az The world’s Sunniest place on a Earth! ( and one of the least humid )

"I first learned about you and your wonderful product a few years ago and bought the original Alpine Telluride Glow oil - and fell in love - that lovely scent, the fabulous oils............I actually looked forward to putting it on my face. My favorite is the Alpine Phytonutrient serum which has made my incredibly dry skin look so hydrated and glow-y that I hardly need to wear much makeup!" - Brenda S

"I have loved and used the Snow Rose recovery mask since it first came out.I like the gentle scent, and I usually do a quick scrub before rinsing it off in the shower." - Kim Dorn

"I have been a fan of Telluride Glow practically from the beginning and I love the product development and the new oils." - Dorsey Gordon

"I am 63 years old and I’ve been using Telluride Glow products for at least 2 years and they are the only skincare products I use." - Mary Farley

"Since I’ve been a customer now for four years, I guess you can assume by my ordering all of your products that my praise is for everything you sell. " - Christine Char


"I love The Alpine serum. I use it in the morning and at bed time. My only comment is that there has not been a significant Sale (buy 1 get 1) for what seems like years. Thank you for the great product. "-- David Leib

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